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Top View Electronic Celeste Sound 

View from the top of the Electronic Celeste Sound Paths

Top View Electronic Celeste Sound 

The AmplificationTM technology for the ORBITED speaker system models a mechanical rotary speaker complete with physical movement of the sound around the room.

The ®, Super TM or ® ORBITED speaker systems from Amplification use a patented method to model the four paths of sound from the mouth of the virtual rotating horn to the four faces of the cabinet.

This spacial acoustic effect interacts with the room in a complex and exciting way to produce that powerful sound we all love to hear.

We model what happens between the sound source, which is the mouth of the horn in a mechanical rotary, and the wall of the cabinet to each of the four sides of the cabinet, with the sound continually changing as it orbits.

This modeling consists of:

  • Amplitude

  • Frequency

  • Differential delays

  • Phase cancellations

The engineering disciplines used to implement this modeling are:

  • Mechanical

  • Electrical

  • Software

  • DSP coding

  • Acoustic wave proprogation, with a whole career in antenna array designs

Make no mistake, the ORBITED speaker system is not a simulator.

The sound that comes out of the ORBITED cabinet speaker is exactly the same as the sound that comes out of the mechanical rotary speaker.

Here's the proof; it's clear and simple: Physics.

Physics drives the sophicated speaker configuration to create 90 degree radiation patterns and line arrays from each of the four faces of the cabinet that are critical to this technology.

The same complex and continuously changing paths are there, just as in the mechanically rotating speaker.

Yes, it takes some digital signal processing and special speakers to model what goes on inside a rotating speaker cabinet, but the real magic happens outside the box, interacting with the room, the sound cancelling and reinforcing while filling the room with a wonderfully moving music.

Therefore, the ORBITED speaker has an acoustic effect, not an electronic effect.


Rotary Speakers also ORBIT

It's the Doppler Effect... Hmmmm, not so fast.

It's all about the resonances bouncing inside the box... or is it?

One More Note

How the ORBITED speaker is different from Electronic Simulators

Mic Placement for a Rotary Cabinet

Mic Placement on Stage

If your gear says ®, Super TM or ®, then it's a product of AmplificationTM.

It's the REAL !

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