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Resonance Inside the Box

Not all sound waves can fit inside a 2-foot wide cabinet. Bass and mid sound waves are longer than the cabinet since the cabinet is less than the wave-length long. Therefore, there's no room for any of the middle range waves to bounce around inside a small cabinet.

There's not enough room in the cabinet for middle-range waves to bounce around because the cabinet is less than the wave-length long. There's no room for a wave to bounce.

The waves are delayed inside the cab. when they mix in the air outside the cab, they cancel.

The delays for each face of the cabinet is different as well as the beaming of each delay signal is different. That's why different sounds end up coming from diff directions. Bouncing takes place outside the cabinet with differential delays.

A sound wave that is 3-feet long is a reasonably high wave length for a Hammond organ. Most are much longer.

Even so, all waves are delayed by some part of a wave length. 1000 Hz is where the horn starts working -- where the horn peaks. A half-wave length is about the width of the cab.

At higher frequencies, such as 2000 Hz, is where about one wave length starts to fit inside the cabinet. But that is very high frequency.

The low wave lengths are much longer and only part of these longerwave lengths are delayed inside the cab.

Think of it this way, Middle C, the Unison Tab, is called 8 feet because it takes an 8 foot pipe to accommodate it, which is half a wave length long.

In reality, it is the music venue that becomes the sound chamber. Very little goes on inside the cabinet -- only small effects of delays. Each delay signal is beamed out in each face direction and it's in the room that you get the combinations that make up the richness of the ORBITED and traditional rotary cabinets

No matter whether it's poolside, patio, street fair or a room, it is where all the rich, beautiful sounds reflect off surrounding objects, interacting with the sound cancelling and reinforcing while filling the room with a wonderfully moving music.

An interesting and insightful article on how mechanical rotories work can be found at

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Rotary Speakers also ORBIT

It's the Doppler Effect... Hmmmm, not so fast.

One More Note

How the ORBITED speaker is different from Electronic Simulators

Mic Placement for a Rotary Cabinet

Mic'ing a Rotary Cabinet on Stage


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