How the ORBITED Speaker is Different from Electronic Simulators
Electronic-rotating speaker simulators directly modulate the organ signal by varying the
amplitude and frequency in an attempt to simulate the sound of the mechanical rotating
This approach can never produce the sound of the rotating speaker.
Why not? It's clear and simple; it goes back to physics:
Your ear has an incredible ability to sense the direction of sounds and the acoustic environment
that you are in. The electronic simulator produces an arbitrary room or environment that may not
fit the actual room you are in, which will sound very artificial.
A simulator has no sophicated speaker configuration of four line arrays to produce radiation patterns
that create an acoustic effect that interacts with the room, actually moving the sound around the room.
Because a simulator does not have four physical faces, it can only represent a stereo
image which can only be heard if the listener stands in the stereo sweet spot.
And no matter how complex the simulator may be, it cannot duplicate the true spatial
effect through a stereo sound system.
Back to Technology
Rotary Speakers also ORBIT
It's the Doppler Effect... Hmmmm, not so fast.
It's all about the resonances bouncing inside the box... or is it?
One More Note
Mic Placement for a Rotary Cabinet
Mic'ing a Rotary Cabinet on Stage
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