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Stereo Sweet Spot

Stereo Sweet Spot

Every Spot in Room is Sweet Spot

ORBITED: Every Spot in the Room is a Sweet Spot


The ORBITED skamp® speaker uses a model of a mechanical rotary speaker complete with physical movement of the sound around the room, unlike the stereo speaker which only has a small sweet spot where there is balance between the left and right speakers.

Since the skamp has no moving mechanical parts, but the sound goes around, we call it an ORBITED speaker. And, since the skamp speaker fills the entire room, there is no one sweet spot -- every spot in the room becomes the sweet spot. The effect happens in the air outside the box.

That sense of movement involves the sound arriving at your ears by different paths that are continuously changing. Due to the different paths, the sound cancels and reenforces in a highly complex manner that the human mind accurately associates with the room in a very exciting way.

Many people think they know how a rotating speaker sounds from listening to recordings. All too often, the recording engineer stuck the microphone close to the rotating horn and managed to get it to sound like an electronic simulator rather than capturing the movement and complex character of the rotating speaker.

Most people are surprised when, in person, they hear a rotating speaker in any decent room for the first time. It's so much more live than even a good recording can capture.

This is where the AmplificationTM ORBITED skamp speaker leaves the pack of electronic simulators behind by using electronics and a sophisticated speaker configuration to physically move the sound around the room.

Those same complex and continuously changing paths are there, just like the mechanically rotating speaker. It is an acoustic effect, not an electronic effect. It takes some digital signal processing and special speakers to model what goes on inside a rotating speaker cabinet, but the real magic happens outside the box and fills the room with a wonderfully moving sound.

After rethinking the whole problem from sound source to the ears in the audience, the skamp and Provado products were developed. A unique modeling method was invented that recreates the room-filling sound of a rotary speaker...only LOUDER. The path of sound, starting at a virtual rotating horn is modeled and delivered efficiently to the four faces of the cabinet. The sound system works with the room to deliver an exciting performance to all your fans.

Then there is the issue of getting the rig to the gig. Most working bands cannot afford heavy trucks or roadies and have to do the load-in and load-out themselves. Amplification uses class-D digital mode amplifiers and switch-mode power supplies into all of their products to boost power, reduce weight and avoid excess heat generation so that the amplifiers could be incorporated right into the speaker cabinets. This puts the amplifiers right at the speaker and eliminates heavy speaker cables.

This new modern ORBITED sound system can be easily transported to gigs to deliver quality sound that can be heard over the guitar amps. It delivers the spatial image necessary for keyboard sound effects that keyboard combo amps failed to deliver.

While rotary speakers sound great for organ, they cannot deliver piano or other non-rotary sounds; they just are not loud enough. Stereo PAs can be loud, but fail to deliver the full range needed for keyboards and organs. Until now, getting a stereo image at most performance venues was a loosing battle. Now you can have a true spatial image everywhere in the room.

Rotary Speakers also ORBIT

It's the Doppler Effect... Hmmmm, not so fast.

It's all about the resonances bouncing inside the box... or is it?

One More Note

How the ORBITED speaker is different from Electronic Simulators

Mic Placement for a Rotary Cabinet

Mic Placement on Stage

If your gear says skamp®, Super skampTM or Provado®, then it's a product of AmplificationTM.

it's the REAL !

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