The statement that any one particular mechanical rotory speaker cabinet has the same sound as the next one is not accurate.
Rotory speaker cabinets were built in small batches. Throughout the years, minor design changes and variations were made by the factory or even by the owner, such as removing panels and/or deflectors, trying to make it louder.
For example, removing a panel for better horn micing increases the amplitude modulation and reduces phase cancellation producing a machine-gun-like sound.
"The effect of the Leslie is a combination of vibrato, tremolo, timbre modulation, intermodulation and harmonic distortion, and pitch spread, brought about as a result of the rotor/baffle motion and position, the relative location of the listener/microphone, and the environment that the Leslie and the listener/microphone are in."
The truth is, we have almost lost the concept of the real sound for any particular rotory cabinet model.
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