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speedSwitch Configurations

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SINGLE standard configurations are a 6' or 15' cable, terminated with a 1/4" TRS plug OR PIGTAIL.

DUAL with TRS plug and PIGTAIL: configuration is terminated with one 1/4" TRS plugs with two sets of isolated contacts for simultaneously controlling two speaker cabinets or pedals.

DUAL PIGTAILS: configuration is terminated with two 1/4" TRS plugs with two sets of isolated contacts for simultaneously controlling two speaker cabinets or pedals.

speedSwitch with DETACHABLE CABLE is an available option for all configurations in lieu of the standard captive cable.

Detachable cables allow you to leave the speedSwitch on your keyboard or organ while detaching the cable for ease of transportation and setup without having a dangling cable.

A detachable cable also allows ease of replacing a damaged cable or switching to a different length or cable termination.

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CUSTOM configuration is for your specific needs in length or cable termination.

A variety of TOGGLE styles is available upon request.

Contact us for your special needs.

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