® is the lightest and most compact four-sided musical
instrument amplifier available from MOON Amplification with both treble and bass rotors. That doesn't mean it lacks
punch or capability.
Though there are no rotating mechanical parts, this ORBITED speaker is a TRUE rotary cabinet. And because there are no rotating mechanical parts to break down, no lubrication or belts needed, it is very sturdy, very dependable and very loud but still a TRUE rotary cabinet.
Our ORBITED speaker models a mechanical rotary speaker complete with movement of the sound around the room, filling the room, with every spot in the room becoming the sweet spot.
Our software models the path of the source of the sound to all four faces of the cabinet just like the traditional rotary cabinet. We model the mechanical rotating speaker with amplitude, frequency, differential delays and phase cancellation effects, partly induced by the electronics but ultimately produced by the acoustic interaction of the four sides of the cabinet with the venue room.
The amazing spatial effect of the
ORBITED speaker is produced by the special configuration of 12
high-performance sound transducers covering all four faces of the
four 100 Watt RMS amplifiers, all coupled with the signal processing power of a dual-core digital signal
processor (DSP) for the incredible sound from this little package.
At 45.5 lbs, the small size of the is made possible by super efficient
class-D amplifiers and a switch-mode power supply. Large and heavy power transformers are
eliminated, replaced by high frequency digital technology that produces enormous power without
the heat or weight of analog power amplifiers.
Each of the horns has 12 times the throat area of a traditional long, narrow rotary horn, so there is no throat distortion no matter how loud you play.
Along with horns, the
has eight (8) full-range, light-weight neodymium
magnet cone drivers with a crossover bypass to allow a
full-range operation mode. This is perfect for situations where you don't need the full power
of a subwoofer. Set on a deployed kartStand or use a tripod for more height.
If more bass is wanted, pair the with one of our subwoofers:
bigBassTM or our stationary
Key clicks are associated with the sound of a real Hammond organ
and adds a percussive emphasis for the striking of the key. The has extended
high frequency response to make the key clicks cut through the mix. Selecting the horn characteristic
in the
mixerKontrollerTM will emphasize or
attenuate the key clicks.
mixerKontroller gives access to all the features of the
is loud and has spacial effects that fill the room or area, a
mic setup is NOT needed for live performance.
®, Super
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