..... Roy Davis, VP Engineering ..... Nancy Moon, President ..... Charles Stone, Director Social Media
Let's swim to the Moon, uh huh
Let's climb through the tide
Moonlight Drive -- The Doors
Two generations of the Moon family plus one Davis are committed to building the finest sound amplification equipment for musicians who perform live. We focus on providing innovation, solutions, durability and sustainability with the very best quality for those who make music in real time. We build in the USA.
There are rules essential to the success of implementing ideas. Bob Lefsetz says it well with his rules for a musician that also can be applied to an inventor:
Once you stop testing limits, once you revert to formula, your (invention) death warrant is signed.
(Inventors) realize they're part of a great continuum, inspired by the past and grease for the future. No (invention) is forever, never forget that.
It is exciting and rewarding to be a part of the continuum!
was born out of the frustration of a keyboard player's wife, me, Nancy Moon. Hearing my
husband, Roy Davis, play on the keyboard was fun; it brought a wave of happiness into the house.
But soon Roy started using stereo headphones to try to get a better acoustical effect from the rotary simulator in the organ. It was such a disappointment to me to no longer hear the music, and the headphones really didn't solve the issue for him.
After studying about rotary speakers and even purchasing a beautiful 122, I
had an idea for a new design -- a new sound system that would be smaller in size,
but huge in power and sound effects -- a modern system without mechanical parts
that made clanking sounds.
I put my new design concept to paper and Roy, being the brilliant engineer he is, implemented each of the technologies that were needed.
We worked many long hours burning the midnight oil, making many improvements, perfecting the first prototype. I knew we were on the right track -- we had the real -- the Electronically ORBITED Speaker.
inc is committed to practicing sustainable management in our products.
Our products are GMO free. The wood and wood fiber used in
products come from certified, sustainably managed plantation forests in Chile,
Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. No native forest wood or genetically modified
trees are used in any of our products.
Only water-base paint is used and applied by hand as well as non-petrochemical waterproof glue.
Only super efficient digital power supplies and amplifiers are installed into our products to ensure low-power consumption.
Because rotating mechanical parts have been eliminated, our products weigh less and have a smaller footprint to easily transport in a smaller vehicle.
All Amplification
products are built to last.
Ever wondered how we came up with the model name "skamp"? The thought process was quite simple. We owned a wonderful SK keyboard and were building amps, it was logical. And with the dictionary meaning of the noun "scamp", it was perfect.
scamp: an impish or playful person
During one silly momemt, which culminated after many days of working into the wee hours, we created a special, fun logo that we thought would bring personality and humor to our product. We submitted our skamp logo design to the US Patent and Trademark Office:
We called our trademark examiner to discuss this brilliant new logo. But instead of his expressing how cool it was, there was a long pause. He very nicely replied that it might be better to resubmit this design without the added expression. So we resubmitted our skamp logo design, which is now registered:
I guess you can call it a logo-save by our examiner. But, sometimes I think about our goofy little logo and the great fun we had creating it.
®, Super
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